Funnel & Gate

C3 Environmental Limited has installed several Funnel-and-Gate™ systems to passively treat contaminated groundwater. Waterloo Barrier® sheet piles act as the low permeable funnels, directing ground water towards the treatment gates. Each gate contains the specific remedial materials which treat the contaminants of concern as groundwater passively passes through them.

Field scale pilot test to determine the effectiveness of the Funnel & Gate system in treating chlorinated solvents using two different reactive media.

Military Airforce Base - Dover, DE

Waterloo Barrier® Funnel & Gate system installed to passively remediate 40 years worth of leakage from a cleaning/degreasing solvent underground storage tank.

Denver Federal Center - Denver, CO

Waterloo Barrier® Cutoff Wall installed along the property boundary to funnel groundwater towards an existing permeable reactive barrier.

Former Manufacturing Plant - Toronto, ON

Waterloo Barrier® Funnel & Gate system installed to divert the flow of a plume towards a reactive barrier treatment gate.

Former MGP Site - Queens County, NY